Is it a good idea to warm up your Volkswagen or Audi vehicle when the temps drop ? Everyone has conflicting advice on what to do during the winter months in particular since no one wants to get into a cold vehicle first thing in the morning. Here are a few items to consider:
– Letting your vehicle run for 1-3 minutes should be enough time to warm the cabin and defrost your windshield
Vehicle engines warm up more quickly when driven versus idling in your driveway. By the time you latch your seatbelt, find your sunglasses and get everything situated, and clear the windshield of fog, you are ready to go. Just remember to accelerate slowly the first few minutes of driving as the engine gets up to operating temperature.
Call Das Autohaus in Lexington, SC 29073 at 803–520-8523 and let us take care of your VW and Audi the way that we take care of ours !