Nobody wants a light on the dash of their VW or Audi, especially a flashing red coolant light. If you notice a fluctuation in the coolant level of your vehicle or the temperature of your engine, it’s time to get your Volkswagen or Audi checked out. It may be a simple hose or coolant pipe, a water pump or something larger going on.
When you run your vehicle low on coolant, you run the risk of overheating your engine and that can be quite expensive ! If you ever need to add coolant to your vehicle, remember that VW and Audi use G13 coolant (pink/lilac in color). A generic mix-all antifreeze is NOT what you want to add and never add green coolant to your VW or Audi.
Call Das Autohaus at 803-520-8523 if you ever notice your dashboard temp gauge creeping up or if you have a coolant leak on the ground or a solid or flashing coolant light. It is always better to pro-actively address a coolant issue than wait until it’s too late !